The training Monitoring racism in grassroots sport, developed as part of the Erasmus + project Monitora, monitoring racism in sport, is online. The training is aimed at sports operators, coaches and all those who love sports. The training, developed in five languages (Italian, Hungarian, French, English and Finnish), is structured in 5 short modules that aim to increase the [...]
“Stop racism, not the game”: a commitment to counter racism in sport
Sport cannot be considered an island separate from the social context. This was the premise from which all the speakers started during the conference “Stop Racism, Not the Game,” held last Friday, Oct. 11, as part of the Sabir Festival. Numerous voices were heard during the two panels: not only representatives of the associations involved in the Monitora project, but also per [...]
Stop racism, not the game – The international conference
The universalist principle conveyed by the symbol of the Olympics reminds us that the principles of equality, solidarity and non-discrimination should allow all people to practise sport freely and with serenity, in their chosen disciplines, facilities and levels. On the contrary, tendencies towards trivialisation and normalisation still characterise racism in the world of [...]
A training to monitor racism in sport is online
Paola Egonu, Miriam Sylla, Imane Khelif: three faces, three Olympic champions, three symbols - despite themselves - of how much the glow of a gold medal is not able to banish the shadow of racism and discrimination. The Erasmus + project Monitora, monitoring racism in sport, coordinated by Lunaria, was born two years ago for this very reason: to take a further step in [...]
Ready, set, go! The campaign “Stop racism, not the Game!” starts today
Flashback: 2020 Tokyo Olympics-held in 2021 due to the pandemic. Paola Egonu is chosen as the Olympic flag bearer; a controversy immediately erupts in Italy, criticising the IOC's choice as not representative of Italy and a choice driven by political correctness. A similar controversy rages on the eve of the Paris 2024 Olympics over the French-Malian singer Aya Nakamura who [...]
Monitora updates: The national trainings
Four national in-person trainings were held in Italy, Belgium, Finland and Hungary in order to test and refine the structure of the online training module scheduled to be published in September 2024. The Italian national training The Italian national Monitora training was held in Rome on January 20, 2024 at the Fulvio Bernardini UISP Rome sports facility and was organized [...]
Legal points and other support services
This mapping identifies offices and services present throughout the country which provide support to migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, and victims of discrimination and racist violence. Administrative, legal and social support services are surveyed; social secretarial services and orientation to services in the area. In addition, the mapping covers centres and [...]
Lunaria’s Anti-racism service
A Listening, Information, Guidance, Counseling, and Legal Aid Service against discrimination and racist violence The Anti-Racism service is a free service offered and managed by Lunaria where people may report, denounce or find a listening ear in cases of discrimination, verbal and physical violence with a racist motive. We are aware that responding to violent online [...]
Seminar “Monitoring racism and discrimination in sport”: the results
On 7 November, the seminar Monitoring racism and discrimination in sport was held online as part of the European project Monitora, Monitoring racism in sport, funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by Lunaria. The Project The main goal of the project is to strengthen the professional capacities and competencies of CSOs, grassroots [...]
BABI: the national event in Italy, Spain, Greece and Malta
ITALY How can a truly autonomous, equal and recognisable activism and participation be practised in this new context? How to widen the spaces of citizenship and participation to trigger concrete processes of social change? And how to relate with the liquid and elusive world of politics and institutions, trying to reorient their choices? The Forum, organised within the [...]
BABI: International Pilot Training
We can do advocacy without knowing it. Or the critical and conscious rejection of this concept, born and consolidated in the Anglo-Saxon world, accompanies an idea of justice and social change from below. Regardless of the use of the definition of advocacy on a theoretical level, a plurality of initiatives promoted by anti-racist associations or movements pursue in Italy and [...]
BABI Project: how can we work better for change?
Non-governmental organizations, volunteers and activists are trying to leave a better world in various ways. Racism and discrimination are huge problems for many countries now that makes harder to create that world. BABI project is willing to contribute that wish in a dynamic way. BABI stands for better advocacy for better inclusion including many organizations by interviews [...]
Presentation LOST IN EUROPE
According to Europol’s chief of staff, Brian Donald, no less than 10,000 migrant children went missing in Europe. It is feared that some of them fell into the hands of drug gangs, human traffickers, or were sold into the sex industry. Others may have travelled to family or friends in Europe without reporting it. They have all but disappeared. The plight of unaccompanied child m [...]
Hate Speech and Social Acceptance of Migrants in Europe. The results of a Spanish research
By Neslihan Ecem Kapar One can easily estimate the triggering and dangerous power of hate speech in community interactions. In today’s world, those interactions are mostly made via social media. Especially if you want to reveal the controversial thoughts in your mind without revealing yourself, social media can offer incredible opportunities. Twitter's character limit is not [...]
Joint Statement: Call on the EU: Restore Rights and Values at Europe’s Borders
The situation at the European borders is becoming more and more difficult for migrants and asylum refugees. Lunaria subscribed this European appeal together with many other Italian and international civil society organizations. For all updates, you can visit the ECRE website. As European civil society and professional organisations working on asylum, migration, humanitarian [...]
IDOS publishes the Statistical Dossier on Immigration in English, available on the IDOS website
IDOS Research and Study Centre, in collaboration and with the support of the IOM – International Organization for Migration, has issued the English version of the 2019 Statistical Dossier on Immigration, now available as a PDF at The video presentation of the 2019 Dossier can also be downloaded from the same website, both in English and Italian. This [...]
The words are stones campaign is online
The international awareness-raising campaign Words are stones, promoted by Lunaria in collaboration with Antigone (Greece), SOS Racisme (Spain), Grenzelos (Austria), Adice (France) and Kisa (Cyprus), which will run until 29 February 2020, starts today with the online publication of the first video of a series of 5. Watch out for the words you use because they can [...]
Words are Stones. Hate Speech Analysis in Public Discourse in Six European Countries
The dossier Words are stones was presented today in Rome. Analysis of the hate speech in the public speech in six European countries edited by Lunaria, in collaboration with 5 European associations of Austria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy and Spain.The dossier summarizes the contents of the six national reports edited within the Words are Stones project by Adice (F), [...]
The Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe: 36,570 Documented Refugee Deaths since 1993 Time for Change!
On World Refugee Day, 20th June, UNITED for Intercultural Action is releasing its yearly update of the List of Refugee Deaths. It is now - once again - more relevant than ever. In September 2015, the pictures of 3-year-old Alan Kurdi from Syria who drowned in the Aegean, washed up on a beach with his red shirt and blue shorts, were a shock to many. Nearly four years [...]
NEW NEIGHBOURS. A new project promoting intercultural media spaces
Migration policy is one of the hottest topics on the political agenda of the upcoming European elections on May 23-26, when up to 400 million EU citizens will select their representatives in the European Parliament for the next 5 years. In a climate of increasing populism and disinformation, the New Neighbours website, launched today, aims to provide factual information [...]
Being Black in the EU: II European Union Survey on Minorities and Discrimination
di Milena Massini Relying on the data collected in the survey EU-MIDIS II, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published the report “Being black in the EU” last November. The report is meant to shed light on the various forms of discrimination and racism that are currently affecting people of African descent and immigrants from sub-Saharan countries. The s [...]
Racism in Italy in 2018
Institutional racism was a constant in 2018, it was sprinkled in every way and with the use of all the possible tools on the Web and, in a more tangible way, in real life through administrative deeds, directives and new rules such as those contained in Law 132/2018. We have written about this in two different reports during the year (available here in Italian: [...]
Cases of “ordinary” racism December 2018
Some documented cases 01-12-2018, Latina (LT) - Lazio Source: Two brothers, 14 and 15, born in Italy from Congolese parents, were assaulted, first verbally with racist phrases because of their skin colour, then physically. A group of young Italians, between 13 and 15 years old, beat them brutally.The rapid response team reported [...]
Cases of “ordinary” racism November 2018
Some documented cases 01-11-2018, Crema (CR) - Lombardy Source: A group of far-right militants, activists of 'Loyalty and action', of 'Veneto front of skinheads' and of 'Casapound Cremona', coming from various locations in northern Italy, have improvised, undisturbed, a parade at the Maggiore Cemetery. An actual patrolling of the streets in the [...]
Cases of “ordinary” racism October 2018
Some documented cases 03-10-2018, Genoa (GE) - Liguria Source: Il Mattino In the evening, four young people robbed and beat an Ivory Coast citizen, while insulting him with racist phrases ("Go back home working in the fields!"). According the police reconstruction of facts, four young men surrounded the victim, 31, and after having taken the little money he [...]
Cases of “ordinary” racism September 2018
Some documented cases 01-09-2018, Bagheria (PA) - Sicily Source: Near the ice-cream bar Anni 20 in via Mattarella,a 30-year-old Nigerian man was the victim of a racist aggression carried out by a 25-year-old Italian with previous criminal records, who is still out on bail. A quarrel broke out between the two men for futile reasons and some [...]
Cases of “ordinary” racism August 2018
Some documented cases 02-08-2018, Naples (NA) - Campania Source: The 22 year-old Senegalese street vendor, Cissé Elhadji Diebel, was shot and injured in the Vasto neighbourhood near the Central Station. The young man was on the street with two friends around 10 pm, when two people riding a scooter shoot him with several gunshotswithout [...]
Racism in Italy. The chronicle that speaks for itself
Still violent attacks on the streets, in the days just passed, to the detriment of foreign citizens, presumably "guilty" of the sole fact of having a different skin color. It happened in Lercara Friddi (PA), where a young dancer of 23 years, son of Mauritians but born in Italy and adopted after birth, Davide Mangiapane, was beaten and offended with racist phrases ('dirty [...]
Cases of “ordinary” racism July 2018
Some documented cases 02-07-2018, Sassari (SS) - Sardinia Source: «I'm first! You go back to your country». A Nigerian girl was beaten while standing in line at the ATM and was accused of not respecting the line. The boy grabs her card violently and breaks into two, then he took her phone and threw it on the ground, breaking it. T [...]
Cassola: Cape Verdean worker wounded by a shot
July 27th 2018 Another shot started from the balcony of a private home, this time in Cassola (Bassano del Grappa) and hit a 33-year-old Cape Verdean employee, an employee of an electrical installation company, while he was working on a scaffolding, about 7 meters of height. The man was hit in the back. The author of the shot said he wanted to hit a pigeon. Now he is [...]
If the injury of a Roma child is just a “mystery”
19 July 2018 The Carabinieri who investigate will shed light on the dynamics of what happened. What the parents report is that Cirasela, their 15-month-old daughter, was injured in the back by a shot fired by an air gun, while walking on the street last Tuesday. Now she is in critical conditions at the Bambino Gesù hospital in Rome. It would not be the [...]
Venice: aggression in front of the station
"Abusive! Negro! What are you doing? "Then a head, a kick and a fist to the ribs. The victim is a twenty year old Ghanaian who has offered to transport the luggage to two women in front of the Venice Station. The attackers are two "authorized" carriers of thirty-seven and forty-one years, apparently already known to the local police. The news is reported by Corriere del [...]