Some documented cases
02-07-2018, Sassari (SS) – Sardinia
Source: ilmessaggero.it
«I’m first! You go back to your country». A Nigerian girl was beaten while standing in line at the ATM and was accused of not respecting the line. The boy grabs her card violently and breaks into two, then he took her phone and threw it on the ground, breaking it. The girl was intimidated but tried to affirm her reasons and then she was beaten up: he pulled her by the hair and let her fall on the side walk, the man fled away. The assault took place in front of the post office ATM machine in via Bogino. Everything was in the public eye, in front of numerous people. The young girl was taken to the emergency room and is now being visited.
02-07-2018, Turin (TO) – Piedmont
Source: La Stampa
Hamed Musa, a boy from Gabon, was attacked and insulted by two men with a pitbull. He was sitting peacefully on a bench in the Mirafiori area, after 9.30 pm, when he saw the two Italian aggressors approaching. They walked towards him and started shouting racists insults, then they became violent. Military officers arrested the 51-year-old offender in the act.
03-07-2018, Forlì (FC) – Emilia-Romagna
Source: Ansa
A Nigerian woman was approached by a scooter and injured on her foot with a shot coming from a compressed air gun. The victim did not report the fact to the police because of fear. The episode was announced in the following days due to a second assault against another foreign citizen, carried out in the same fashion.
05-07-2018, Salerno (SA) – Campania
Source: lacittadisalerno.it
Just in front of the food shop in via Roma a fight broke out between the foreigner owners of the shop and a group of Italian young people. The investigators identified some of the attackers: an adult and a 16-year-old teenager. In the following months, further reports and complaints lead to the identification of eight other accomplices, all minors. The group seems to target kebab shops, small grocery stores, centres for phone calls abroad and money transfers with threats and insults, such as: “We are strong in Salerno, you have to give us money or we’ll destroy you, we’ll make you shut down the shop… If you want to work here in Italy you have to pay a fee”. All the shops attacked are run by immigrants, mostly Bangladeshis. The judicial authority is now proceeding with the felony of aggravated extortion and use of mafious methods. In addition to the raids and vandalism, the group has indeed began to threaten reprisal claiming an alleged belonging to mafia gangs.
06-07-2018, Forlì (FC) – Emilia-Romagna
Source: Ansa
A 33-year-old Ivorian citizen was approached by a carwhile riding his bike in Viale Bolognesi. Suddenly, the person in the car fired a shot with a compressed air pistol and hit the man. He reported several wounds in the abdomen and received 10 days of prognosis. The Carabinieri of the Operating Unit and Radiomobile are investigating so to trace back the attacker..
07-07-2018, Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) – Sicily
Source: sicilians.it
A 45-year-old Italian, presumably impaired by alcohol abuse, hurl abuse against some Muslim foreign citizens who were waiting to pray. He shouted offensive sentences with discriminatory content against them. Then he became violent:armed with an iron bar, he attacked a Moroccan citizen causing his foot to break. Then he also pounce on two passers-by who attempted to calm him down with no result. In September 2018, the Carabinieri applied the personal precautionary measures pending on the offender, who will have to show up in front of the Judicial Police as it was decised by the investigating magistrate. He is considered responsible of the crimes of damage and personal injury, with aggravating circumstance of having acted for of “discrimination or ethnic, national, racial or religious hatred”.
09-07-2018, San Felice Circeo (LT) – Lazio
Source: latinatoday.it
Two young Italian citizens showed up at the house of a Moroccan citizen, Ayed Zied, forced their way in and beat him, hitting him with an iron bar repeatedly and preventing him from escaping. When a passer-by heard the cries of help and arrived on the spot, the attackers fled on a van, which was found hours later with inside the iron bar used for the aggression. The victim was taken to the hospital and he reported: facial and cranial trauma, fracture of the nose and of the kneecap, blunt-force trauma of the chest and abdomen. The reason for the aggression lies on an unsolved argument rose between the partner of the victim and the two offenders for a rented house. At the end of the investigations, started with the victim’s complaint in November 2018, the Latina Court magistrate issued an order for precautionary custody, leading to prison the two attackers of 25 and 28 years. They now must account for aggravated personal injury.
10-07-2018, Venice (VE) – Veneto
Source: Corriere del Veneto
Maria Pilar, who is a 55 years old woman of Spanish descent who has lived in Italy for almost thirty years, was with her friend nearby the train station, since they wanted to leave their luggage at the custody service for a few hours, before reaching the airport and returning home. She explained: «A twenty year old man from Ghana offered us some help with our suitcases so we walked down the last stretch of road with him”. Around noon, as soon as we arrived at the station, a stranger pounced on the young manshouting “Abusive N***a! What are you doing?” Then he called a friend of his who grabs him and gives him a warhead, then a kick in his stomach and a fist on his ribs. By that time the two women intervened to defend the young man. The aggressors started blaming also them, insulting them and shouting “Salvini! Salvini! This is the country of Salvini! This is Italy, It’s our country!”». The two men wore an ID card that distinguishes the authorized porteur in Venice. After the aggression they left without any intervention by the police officers who were present. None of them stopped them or helped the Ghanian man who fled away still bleeding.
12-07-2018, Latina (LT) – Lazio
Source: h24notizie.com
At 7.30 pm, eight young Nigerians, guests of the “Karibù” cooperative, were waiting for the bus at Latina Scalo, in Via della Stazione, in front of the “Ciancarelli” nursery school. Two of the eight youngsters, aged 19 and 26, were hit by rubber bullets fired by a soft air weapon coming from a racing car who passed by. The police officers are investigating also because the car was photographed by a passer-by. The most probable track is that of a racist and intolerant gesture.
18-07-2018, Rome (RM) – Lazio
Source: jobsnews.it
A 14-month-old Romanian girl, Cerasela, who is domiciled with her family in the Roma camp in Via di Salone, was in her mother’s arms on Via Palmiro Togliatti when she washit on her back by a plunger fired by a blank pistol.The child was first taken to the Pertini hospital and then, because of her condition, she was transferred to the Bambin Gesù Hospital in emergency. There, after warding off any danger for her life, the doctors can not yet determine if the child will be able to walk again. The responsible for what happened is a former employee of the Senate, now retired. He declared “I just wanted to try the gun, I did not target those people”. Supposedly, the blow left inadvertently while he was on the balcony of the house. The prosecutor contests the crime of serious injuries for the man, but the investigators remain cautious with any possible racist reason for the episode.
21-07-2018, Lercara Friddi (PA) – Sicily
Source: Repubblica.it
Davide Mangiapane, a 23 year old dancer of Mauritian origin born in Italyand adopted by a family, was attacked and beaten with violence by two young men, including a minor.According to what the Carabinieri reconstructed, the young man was at the table of a club when someone hit him with a fist breaking his jaw. The attacker shouted to the young man: “Dirty N***a! Go back to your country, get out of here, you are not worthy to be with us”. The young man lost consciousness and was also hit with kicks and punches while on the ground. The medical prognosis was of thirty days. The news of the beating came out only after 20 days because the victim did not submit any complaint.
22-07-2018, Atena Lucana (SA) – Campania
Source: ondanews.it
A 33-year-old native of Atena Lucana, clearly impaired by alcohol abuse, reached a reception facility for asylum seekers and assaulted an 18-year-old Egyptian man and a social worker, causing injuries to both of them. As he saw the military officers he pounced on them as well, jostling them and causing a bruise to the neck of one of them. During the aggression, the man shouted openly racist threats and insults. The hypotheses of crime that the man will account for are: resistance and injuries to public officials, injuries, threats and injuries aggravated by the purpose of “racial hatred”, aggravated damage and driving under the influence of alcohol.
25-07-2018, Milan (MI) – Lombardy
Source: milanotoday.it
A man from Sri Lanka was attacked by a 50-year-old Italian while he was speaking Sinhalese, his native language, on the phone.He was walking on the street when suddenly his call was interrupted by a man armed with a cutter. The aggressor told him to speak Italian pointing the blade at him. At that moment, the victim reacted and in the scuffle, he fell on the ground. The attacker pounced on him and gave him two slaps. With the other hand he turned back the arm of the foreigner violently, he crushed it on the ground causing a fracture. As he finished to beat the man he got up and left, like nothing happened. The carabinieri officers and emergency unit intervened on the spot immediately. The victim received a prognosis of forty days due to the elbow dislocation and a radial fracturing. Shortly after, the military managed to retrace the aggressor not far away from the place where the event occurred.
26-07-2018, San Cipriano d’Aversa (CE) – Campania
Source: today.it
Last night, around 22.30, a 22-year-old young man from Guinea was caught by a shot from a compressed air gun while walking along Via Roma, right in the city centre. The migrant, who is a guest of a reception centre not far from the area where the aggression took place, reported only a few grazes to the face luckily. The young man reported the incident to the Carabinieri station, which started investigating the matter. Presumably, those who fired the bullet were two people riding a scooter.
27-07-2018, Cassola (VI) – Veneto
Source: AdnKronos
A 33-year-old workman from Cape Verde, an electrical installation company employee, was on a moving platform about 7 meters high and he was connecting the lights in front of the town hall, when he was caught by a shotgun. The investigations of the carabinieri traced back the source of the shot to a 40-year-old man who lives in a flat nearby. The man motivated his gesture claiming he “just wanted to hit a pigeon”, so he was reported “on the loose” by the Carabinieri of Bassano for dangerous explosions and aggravated injuries. The victim was immediately rescued and taken to the local hospital for checks and treatments, he was discharged with a 7 days prognosis.
28-07-2018, Partinico (PA) – Sicily
Source: Ansa
A 19-year-old Senegalese citizen, who has lived in Italy for two years in a community, was insulted with racist phrases(“Go away dirty n***a”) and then punched and kicked by a group of customers outside a bar. The victim, Dieng Khalifa, reported the episode to the carabinieri, saying that some boys attacked him, causing wounds to his lips and ears that would take seven days to heal. The carabinieri have tracked down and brought to the barracks a 34-year-old workman, one of the alleged assailants. The arrested man was reported for personal injury “aggravated by racial hatred”.
29-07-2018, Aprilia (LT) – Lazio
Source: ilmessaggero.it
A 43-year-old Moroccan citizen, was chased while on board his car and then beaten because some Italian citizens “thought him a thief”. At some point of the chase, the man went off the road and got out of his car with his own legs. He was then attacked by one or two of his pursuers. The Carabinieri found his lifeless body spilled on the concrete pavement. The two Italians are now accused of unpremeditated homicide.
29-07-2018, Maddaloni (CE) – Campania
Source: casertace.net
Singh was a 38-year-old Indian farm worker who worked in the tomato fields at Castelvolturno and Villa Literno. He felt sick while working and was thenabandoned by his company owners near the Caserta railway station, where some volunteers of “L’Angelo” NGO assist him and bring him to the hospital. Singh was in a serious clinical situation because he had been subjected to inhumane working conditions which literally destroyed him. He died after twenty days. The offenders have not yet been identified and there are several possible crimes to their charge: exploitation, enslavement, negligence. manslaughter, tax evasion, undeclared work.
29-07-2018, Naples (NA) – Campania
Source: napolitan.it
In via Luca Giordano, in the Vomero district, two owners of a fish shop beat violently a 29-year-old Nigerian citizen who was asking for alms in front of their shop. The law enforcement discovered that the man was invited by the traders to leave the place not to annoy customers. Supposedly, the Nigerian man protested and said something that the two men didn’t like. They pounced on him and causing him injuries for three days. The two merchants – uncensored Neapolitans of 29 and 43 years old- are now reported for aggravated threats. The victim claims to have been threatened even with a kitchen knife.
30-07-2018, Agrigento (AG) – Sicily
Source: agrigentonotizie.it
A young eighteen-year-old native from Gambia, guest of the “La mano di Francesco” community, was the victim of an episode of bullying and racism, while he is returning to the community where he lives. Dembo Tambado was riding his bicycle along Viale Cannatello when he suddenlyfound himselfsurrounded by a group of people in scooters and helmets. They asked him for some cigarettes but since the young man refused to give it to them, they started shouting racist insults, one of the attackers got down from the scooter and repeatedly slapped him. The social workers in the community reported the event and Dembo received the city’s apology from the mayor.
30-07-2018, Moncalieri (TO) – Piedmont
Source: atleticalive.it
Daisy Osakue, 22, is an Italian national of athletics of Nigerian descent. Last night she was attacked by a group of young people while returning home. Daisy was hit in the face with eggs from a running car. The Olimpic discus thrower has now a swollen eye and needs to undergo surgery to remove fragments of eggshell from her eye. The Turin Public Prosecutor opened a file for injuries against unknown persons. The prosecutor, who coordinates the investigation, believes that no elements have emerged suggesting a racist act. A few days later, the carabinieri identify three young people living of Vinovo, La Loggia and Moncalieri, who admitted to have used the car of their father, a Fiat Doblò, to throw the egg and flee away. The three young men said they acted for “goliardia”( party spirit).