The universalist principle conveyed by the symbol of the Olympics reminds us that the principles of equality, solidarity and non-discrimination should allow all people to practise sport freely and with serenity, in their chosen disciplines, facilities and levels.
On the contrary, tendencies towards trivialisation and normalisation still characterise racism in the world of sport, hampering its prevention and countering where racist insults and chants are reduced to instances of “rudeness” and non-citizenship status can hinder participation in sports. Discrimination in sport occurs in all sports disciplines and at all levels, although public and media attention tends to focus mainly on episodes involving elite football players. The commitment of sports institutions to prevent and combat the phenomenon is still inadequate.
The attention that sport attracts from a very large part of public opinion could instead provide a valuable opportunity to delegitimise the various forms of discrimination and racism inside and outside sports facilities, if all the main actors involved (starting with athletes, managers, clubs and sports journalists) were to take this on board. It is not just a matter of timely sanctions, but of building a new sports culture based on the principles of participation, equal opportunities, solidarity and fair play.
The Monitora Project was created in order to go in this direction. Now that this experience is coming to an end, it is time to draw conclusions through a collective moment of discussion. This is why we would like to invite you to take part in the international conference ‘Stop racism, not the game’ on 11th October 2024 at 11.30 a.m. within the framework of the Sabir Festival. The conference will take place at the Città dell’Altreconomia (largo Dino Frisullo, snc, Rome), in the Biagetti Conference Room. We will discuss with other European organisations operating in the world of sport, journalists, scholars and institutional representatives on how to prevent and act against racism in sport, starting from monitoring racist and discriminatory episodes and share the results and reflections born out of these two years of project.
Systematically monitoring the forms of discrimination that cross the world of sport on a daily basis is, for example, an indispensable step towards analysing their dynamics and characteristics and being able to act, putting in place effective prevention, mitigation and protection strategies for those affected.
Full programme
Panel I Is everything allowed in sport? For a sport culture free from racism
Panel I Is everything allowed in sport? For a sport culture free from racism
- Omar Daffe Lega Serie A
- Mattia Peradotto, Unar Director
- Nicola Porro, sport sociologist
- Marylise Royer Stop racism in sport
- Luca Vettori e Arianna Scarnecchia ( Altreconomia and authors of the podcast “Fuori dai Giochi”)
- Moderator: Grazia Naletto, Lunaria Aps
Panel II Racism in Sport in Europe: Monitor, Prevent, Act
- Alessandro Mazzola, University of Liege
- Davide Valeri, UISP Aps
- Barbara Gecse, United
- Jean-Marc Alingue, Liikkukaa
- Daniela Conti, ISCA
- Stefania N’Kombo José Teresa, Lunaria Aps
- Moderator: Roberta Pomponi, Lunaria Aps
Info: Lunaria, antirazzismo@lunaria.org
Registration is recommended to attend the conference through this link.