Non-governmental organizations, volunteers and activists are trying to leave a better world in various ways. Racism and discrimination are huge problems for many countries now that makes harder to create that world. BABI project is willing to contribute that wish in a dynamic way. BABI stands for better advocacy for better inclusion including many organizations by interviews [...]
It’s online! Chronicles of Ordinary Racism. Fifth White Paper on Racism in Italy
The assault of Beatrice Ion, a basketball athlete suffering from polio, on 9 July in Ardea, and that against a Bengali street vendor whose name we do not know, pushed by two young men in the Naviglio in Milan two days ago, are not isolated cases. 7,426 are the cases of discrimination and racism documented by Lunaria between 1 January 2008 and 31 March 2020. Among them, 901 [...]
Shots on immigrants: racist raid in Macerata
A racist raid took place around 11 am in the city centre. A woman and five African men were hit by gun shots in the upper part of their body. Two of them have undergone surgery, one is in intensive care , the one more has a guarded prognosis. The perpetrator of the raid is Luca Traini, 28 years old, he is a skinhead and he has the tattoo of the far right group 'Third P [...]
Chronicles of ordinary racism. The Fourth White Book on Racism in Italy is on-line
Ordinary, legitimized and even flaunted; such is racism of the 4.0 age. The rhetoric of fear, instrumental politics, forms of institutional racism, misleading information, discrimination and widespread racist violence find in the net a space of encounter and mutual contamination. Stigmatizing and aggressive discourses encourage discriminatory acts and behaviors in the real [...]
Die at 24years-old for bad health care and racism
"A 24-year-old boy died yesterday in Naples, killed by racism and bad healthcare”: this is what reported on Facebook by the members of Ex Opg, a former psychiatric hospital, now abandoned and squatted by a goup of people in the Materdei district of Naples. The boy - Ibrahim Manneh, 24 years old- from the Ivory Coast, lived in Italy since 2010. He died in the night between S [...]
Rimini, another racist violence
On the 22nd of March, around 7 p.m., in a little street next to Trieste St. in Rimini, in front of the A&O supermarket, a 39-year-old Italian man violently attack a 25-year-old Nigerian asylum seeker, who often helps people to empty the truck in exchange of few coins. Before the Italian man insults with racist phrases (like "Negro shi..., go back to your home"), then he [...]
Do not disturb. Beating underway.
During the night of the last 22nd of July, in a casino in Torrenova street, in the eastern suburbs of Rome, a 42 years old senegalese citizen underwent to a violent assault from 5 roman youngsters. The man, security guard of the casino, was called with racist insults and then literally flung on the ground, punched and kicked in the head, and hit repeatedly with a [...]
Mafia extortion aggravated by racism: arrests and confiscations in Palermo
The anti-Mafia department of Palermo is investigating on the violence against the immigrant traders in the Palermo’s district of Ballarò. The police operation has started after the brave stance of some sellers, who wanted to stop the oppressive situation that suffocate them for long time. The reaction follows an harsh aggression against Yusupha Susso, a 21 [...]
Chronicles of Ordinary Racism. Third White Paper on Racism in Italy
Almost three years down the line, Lunaria has gone back to telling the Tales of everyday racism that define public and social life in our country. We have done so, this time, by casting our sights towards Europe, where last spring’s elections revealed a growing tide of nationalist, xenophobic and populist sentiment. This study is the result of the daily monitoring, reporting, i [...]
Fuori il razzismo dalle istituzioni, davvero
Il limite era già stato superato da tempo. Ma, evidentemente, in Italia ormai il limite non c'è. E quanto sta succedendo è seriamente preoccupante. Roberto Calderoli, vicepresidente del Senato, parlando della Ministra dell'integrazione Cecile Kyenge durante una festa della Lega a Treviglio ha affermato: “Quando vedo le immagini della Kyenge non posso non pensare alle semb [...]
Debellare il razzismo: istruzioni per l’uso
“Altro che ‘buonismo’, contro i razzisti forse è tempo di ‘cattivismo’” scrive Federico Faloppa su Il Fatto Quotidiano a proposito delle offese rivolte alla Ministra Kyenge dal Vicepresidente del Senato Roberto Calderoli. Un'analisi della situazione e di come affrontarla, perchè, se da una parte “come cittadini ci rendiamo ancora conto della gravità di certe dichiarazioni”, d [...]
L’Italia? Alla rovescia. Un’analisi di AnnaMaria Rivera
L'Italia? "Il mondo alla rovescia" nelle parole di AnnaMaria Rivera, che sul Manifesto, a proposito delle offese rivolte dal Vicepresidente del Senato Calderoli alla Ministra Kyenge, scrive che "a guardare con distacco e lucidità quel che accade nel nostro infelice Paese, si dovrebbe dire che [..] non solo vi trionfano democrazia autoritaria, ingiustizia sociale e vessazione [...]
Tornano i Mondiali Antirazzisti!
“Interculture, food, drink, music and sport”: sono queste le parole d'ordine, lanciate dal manifesto di presentazione, dei Mondiali Antirazzisti, giunti alla loro 17esima edizione. La manifestazione Uisp dal 3 al 7 luglio animerà il parco di Bosco Albergati, in provincia di Modena, con tanti dibattiti, incontri, musica, giochi e sport. Il parco ospiterà 200 squadre di calc [...]
Uefa: dal 1 giugno norme più severe contro il razzismo negli stadi
Chiusura parziale dello stadio alla prima offesa, chiusura totale alla seconda, multe da 50.000 euro alla squadra: sono alcuni dei provvedimenti contro le discriminazioni e il razzismo nel calcio, approvati dall'esecutivo dell'Uefa riunitosi a Londra la settimana scorsa per discutere i nuovi regolamenti disciplinari, che entreranno in vigore dal 1° giugno. Le nuove norme [...]